Why did we launch this program?
Unemployment rate: It has increased by 32.9% (Stats SA in May 2023)
(This report includes University graduates, who spent many years learning for skills or profession hoping to get a better job)
Job loss
(Many people have lost their jobs especially in 2021 and 2022 as a result of covid 19 pandemic. Even those who are working, are still not sure about their future due to retrenchment as many companies are struggling to cope with global economic crises and global business competition)
High Inflation: (In May 2023 inflation rate was at 6.3%)
As a result, those who are employed do not only struggle to pay their monthly expenses but they also struggle to pay debts due to high inflation rate. Additionally, they have to support many family members who are unemployed in the household.
Another problem affecting employed ones is that if you are lucky enough, your salary increases once a year while food prices increase many times a year. Cost of living is becoming very high. e.g.: Few years ago bread was only R8.00 but now it is about R18.00. Petrol was about R2/litre but now it is more than R22.00.
Please do not misunderstand us, it is absolutely not wrong to be employed but in these difficult days we need to have another stream of income in case we lose our job and we do not find another job or we want extra income as we strive to pay debts.
So this coaching program has been developed and designed to empower unemployed, support those who earn low income and assist small business owners to grow their business. The business must grow or it will die. We have developed plenty practical skills and proven programs.